Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur

Department of English


Assistant Professor

Faculty Details

Name of Academic Body Name of Institution Position Level Start Date End Date Year
Board of studies Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala Member 30-06-2021 2021
Board of studies Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala Member 22-12-2020 2020
Statutory bodies Kerala Sahitya Akademi Member 08-04-2020 2020
Judge St. Mary's College, Thrissur judge 11-12-2019 2019
Board of studies Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala Member 17-06-2019 2019
Board of studies VIMALA COLLEGE, THRISSUR member 12-12-2017 2017
Board of examination Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Question Paper Setter 03-05-2015 2015
Academic Kerala State Higher Education Department Master Trainer 04-04-2014 2014
Professional Kerala Sahitya Academy, Thrissur MEMBER 12-12-2010 2010
Statutory bodies Kerala Sahitya Akademi, Thrissur Member 2018
Statutory bodies Kerala Saahitya Akademi, Thrissur Member 2019
Board of studies Dept. of English, Vimala College (aUTONOMOUS), THRISSUR Member 2018
Title of the program Organized by Level Start Date End Date Mode of presence Sponsored by
Management Development Programme- Empowering Faculty for Navigating the Landscape of Higher Educatio CMC Higher Education Department, Mount Carmel Generalate, Aluva and Vimala College (Autonomous), Thr National 10-04-2024 13-04-2024 Participant CMC Higher Education Department
STP on Academic Writing UGC- HRDC, University of Hyderabad HRDC 21-03-2022 26-03-2022 Participant UGC- HRDC, University of Hyderabad
STP on Building Competencies of Teachers in Blended Learning & Teaching HRDC University of Hyderabad HRDC 17-05-2021 22-05-2021 Participant UGC- HRDC University of Hyderabad
Refresher Course in Indian Folklore, Culture & Traditions Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi HRDC 10-02-2021 23-02-2021 Participant UGC-HRDC University of Delhi
STP in Disaster Management UGC-HRDC- University of Hyderabad HRDC 07-09-2020 12-09-2020 Participant UGC-HRDC- University of Hyderabad
ASAP- Refresher Programme Govt. of Kerala and Higher Education Council 03-04-2015 06-04-2015 Participant Govt. of Kerala and Higher Education Council
ASAP- Orientation Programme Higher Education Council 22-04-2014 24-04-2014 Participant Govt. of Kerala and Higher Education Council
Academic Year Publication Type Level Volume Issue No Page No. From - to Date of Publication First Author Second Author Other Authors Standard Code Type Standard Code UGC CARE Link to the notification in UGC enlistment of the Journal CARE JOURNAL id SCOPUS Indexed WEB OF SCIENCE Any other indexing specify Impact Factor/Citation Index Publisher Author affiliation as in publication doi number Affiliating institution at the time of publication
2022-2023 Book Chapter International 1 1 176-184 17-05-2023 Dr. Mallika A Nair Ms. Jayasree Jayagopal ISBN ISBN- 978-93-92240-51-5 Peer- reviewed Yking Publications, Jaipur, India Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur
2022-2023 Full paper in Proceedings National 1 1 204-208 20-04-2023 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN ISBN- 978-81-962432-2-7 peer-reviewed Sarvabhasha Prakashan, New Delhi. Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur
2022-2023 Book International 1 2 18-25 29-03-2023 Dr. Mallika A Nair Dr. Abdul Md. Foyes ISBN- 978-93-93092-359 No peer-reviewed Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala
2021-2022 Book Chapter International 1 1 93-97 01-10-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil ISBN 978-93-91314-39-2 International release on Amazon and Flip kart AUTHORSPRESS, NEW DELHI Department of English, Vimala College Autonomous Thrissur Vimala College Autonomous Thrissur, University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter International 1 1 108-116 14-09-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-93-91314-09-5 International release on Amazon and Flipkart AUTHORS PRESS, New Delhi Department of English, Vimala College ( Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College Autonomous Thrissur, University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter International 1 1 1-7 15-07-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-81-946006-2-6 International release on Amazon and Flipkart AKHAND PUBLICATIONS, New Delhi Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter National 1 1 64-74 05-07-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-81-949251-0-1 No UPANAYAN PUBLICATIONS, NEW DELHI, INDIA Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur Vimala College ( Autonomous), Thrissur; University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter National 1 1 11-19 05-07-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-1-63940-739-2 (Ed) Dr. Saran S Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur;University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter National 1 1 177 30-06-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-81-949267-4-0 No UPANAYAN PUBLICATIONS, DELHI, INDIA Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur, University of Calicut
2021-2022 Book Chapter International 1 1 104-110 15-06-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-93-90891-37-5 AUTHORSPRESS, New Delhi Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur, University of Calicut
2021-2022 Journal National 43 2 46-55 04-06-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 2319-3271 Yes Arts and Humanities, 240 UGC CARE Listed Kerala Sahitya Akademi Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous),Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, University of Calicut
2020-2021 Journal National 47 92 72-78 01-01-2021 Dr Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 0970-8049 Yes UGC CARE List. Arts and Humanities.207 UGC CARE List -Arts and Humanities No.207 P.P. Ajaykumar Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous )Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous),Thrissur , University of Calicut
2020-2021 Journal National 12 1 487-492 01-01-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 0975-4520 Yes 214 UGC CARE Listed journal Kala Evam Dharma Shodh Sansthan, Varanasi, UP Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College ( Autonomous),Thrissur, University of Calicut
2020-2021 Journal National 14 1 115-121 01-01-2021 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 0974-1984 Yes Arts and Humanities Number: 241 UGC CARE Listed Benjamin Baile Foundation Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur 318190 Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur, University of Calicut
2020-2021 Journal International 7 3 261-264 12-08-2020 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 2349-5189 No ICI, Google scholar, Research Gate,, IBI, IIFC, DRJI,COSMOS, The CiteFactor 5.61 Snehal Mothe's Langlit & Research Centre, Maharashtra. Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur; University of Calicut
2020-2021 Journal International 21 1 118-119 06-07-2020 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 0972-4613 Yes 34425 University of Michigan, University of Bristol, Columbia University, Library of Congress, AIILSG. Padmanabhan Sivadasan, Aasramam, Kollam Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous),Thrissur; University of Calicut
2019-2020 Journal National 40 2 59-65 15-04-2020 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 2319-3271 Yes Arts and Humanities Number:240 UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL Kerala Sahitya Akademi Department of English, Vimala College ( Autonomous), Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous),Thrissur;University of Calicut
2019-2020 Journal International 20 1 134-139 01-01-2020 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil ISSN 2278-523X Yes UGC CARE LIST 2022 - Arts and Humanities Number: 174 UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL Indian Documentation Service Pvt. Ltd. Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur, University of Calicut
2019-2020 Book Chapter International 1 1 41-44 15-06-2019 Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISBN 978-93-86435-80-4 Proceedings of International conference IMRF International Publishing House, Vijayawada, India. Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur, University of Calicut
2017-2018 Journal National 38 2 43-52 01-01-2018 Translation - Dr. Mallika A Nair Nil Nil ISSN 2319-3271 Yes 240 Department of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Kerala, Kerala Sahitya Akademi. Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College ( Autonomous)Thrissur
2015-2016 Book Chapter International 2 1 63 09-03-2016 MALLIKA A NAIR Nil Nil ISBN ISBN- P: 0692835792, ISBN E- 13: 978- 0692835791 Sound Vision Media, New York, USA Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous)Thrissur, University of Calicut
2015-2016 Full paper in Proceedings National 1 1 206 27-12-2015 MALLIKA A NAIR Nil Nil ISBN ISBN: 978- 81- 928481-1-6 Dept. Of English, St. Stephen's College,Pathanapuram Department of English, Vimala College ( Autonomous)Thrissur Vimala College ( Autonomous) Thrissur, University of Calicut
2014-2015 Book Chapter International 1 1 75 01-02-2015 MALLIKA A NAIR Nil ISBN ISBN P: 978- 0692581384, ISBN E- 13: 978- 0692581384 Amazon and Flipkart release Sound vision Media, New York, USA Department of English, Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur Vimala College (Autonomous) Thrissur, University of Calicut
4 9 68-70 01-01-2015 MALLIKA A NAIR P- ISSN: 2319-7714 E – ISSN: 2319-7722 Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, 1.756 IJHSSI
3 1 4-10 01-01-2013 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN- 2249-6696 Deva Matha College, Kuruvilangaadu
13 1 105-119 01-01-2013 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN – 0974-7370 2013 Dept. of English, NewMan's College, Thodupuzha
13 2 182-187 01-01-2013 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN – 0974-7370 NewMan's College, Thodupuzha
3 0 21-27 01-01-2012 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN- 0976-5247 ANU BOOKS and JOURNALS, MEERUT, UP,INDIA
12 0 110-116 01-01-2012 MALLIKA A NAIR Reg No. KARENG/ 2001/ 9529 WORLD CAT
2 1 62-68 01-01-2012 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN – 2277-1336 University of Calicut, Calicut University Press
12 0 128-134 01-01-2011 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN-0972-3269 ATLANTIC PUBLISHERS, NEW DELHI
0 44-49 01-01-2010 MALLIKA A NAIR KERENG/2002/11541
31 0 50-55 01-01-2010 MALLIKA A NAIR 29431/77 Kerala Sahithya Akademi,Thrissur
4 0 175-180 01-01-2010 MALLIKA A NAIR ISSN-0019580-4 Kendra Sahitya Akademi
30 0 118-120 01-01-2009 Dr. MALLIKA A NAIR 29431/77 Kerala Sahithya Akademi
Conference proceedings 1 1 120 01-01-1970 MALLIKA A NAIR ISBN: 978- 93-80095-42-4 Dept. Of English and Foreign Languages, CUSAT
Title of Paper Title of Conference Organized by Level Start Date End Date Duration Sponsors Country
Silenced Voices and Blatant Biases: Foregrounding the Forgotten Women in Indian Freedom Struggle Revisiting the Indian Freedom Struggle: Exploring the Contributions of Forgotten Heroes Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Digboi, Assam National 15-03-2023 15-03-2023 One day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar India
An Exploration of Australian Bush Life in Colleen Mc Cullough' Who Started the Bushfires? Australian Culture, Economy &Polity in the Post- truth Era PG and Research Dept. of English, University College, Thiruvananthapuram and Littcrit International 15-09-2021 17-09-2021 Three Days Centre for Australian Studies, University of Kerala & IASA Australia and India
Post-truth and the COVID19 Truce: Reflections on the Pandemic and Media Constructivism. The Metamorphosis of Human Epistemology in the Post Pandemic Era- A Multidisciplinary Percipience Dept. of English, Bishop Caldwell College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu. International 13-08-2021 14-08-2021 Two Days Mnonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. India
The Thalassophile Tides: Analysis of the Disney Movies Moana and Pocahontas Maritime Footprints: Crafting the Cultural Landscape of the Littoral Zone PG and Research Dept. of English, St. Mary's College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. International 14-06-2021 15-06-2021 Two Days PG and Research Dept. of English, St. Mary's College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. India
Permutations of the Other and Fragmentation of the Self- An Exploration of the Folk Art Form of They The Story- Life Narratives of Experience, Memory, Identity and Agency Dept. of English, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, Karnataka. National 25-03-2021 26-03-2021 Two Days Dept. of English, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bengaluru, Karnataka. India
Sanguine Signatures: Elements of Folklore in Malayalam Films Film and Literature Dept. of English and IQAC, Karmaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya, Washi, Maharashtra. International 29-08-2020 29-08-2020 One day IQAC, Karmaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya, Washi, Maharashtra. India
The Body as Nation: Erasures of Women in African Literature African Literature, Orature and Culture Rishi Bnkim Chandra College, West Bengal, India. International 22-08-2020 23-08-2020 Two Days Dept. of English, University of Nigeria, Dhaka City College & West Bengal State University Bangladesh & India
Negotiating the Terrains of Ethinicity and Identity in the Folk art form of Theyyam Reflections on Gender Equality, Feminism and Language Studies IMRF Institute for Education and Research, DRPF Macedonia and IIM Australia. International 14-06-2019 15-06-2019 Two Days IMRF Macedonia andAustralia India
Negotiating the Terrains of Ethnicity and Plurality in Theyyam Multiculturalism in /and Literature Dept. of English, Sree Sankracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala. National 28-03-2019 29-03-2019 Two Days UGC India
Symphonies of Loss in Oral Literature: Explorations of Print and Pictographic Paradigms Print Modernities Dept. of English and Dept. of Media Studies, St. Thomas' College, Thrissur, Kerala, India. International 05-01-2019 07-01-2019 Three Days Centre for Performance Research & Cultural Studies in South Asia India
Environmental Posthumanism and the Anthropocene Paper Presentation Competition Science and Religion Club, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur. International 22-02-2018 22-02-2018 One day Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford (SCIO) India
Terra Incognita: From Self- Annihilation to Self- Affirmation Why Ecocriticism? Dept. of English, Sikkim Govt. College, Gangtok, Sikkim. International 21-11-2017 23-11-2017 Three Days FSLE, New Delhi, INDIA India
Female Body and Nation: Notions of Feminism Modern Trends in Research Teresian Research & Consultancy Cell (TRACC) National 19-10-2017 19-10-2017 One day UGC-CPE India
Seeking Ma, Seeking Me: The Politics of Kali Cult in Indian Cinema. Literature, Media and Politics Depts. Of English, Journalism and Political Science, Mary Matha Arts & Science College, Manantha National 06-02-2017 07-02-2017 Two Days UGC India
Embodied Existences and Bonded Bodies: The Politics and Paradigm of Female Body as Nation. Nation, Body and Performance Dept. of English, Sree Neelakanta Govt. Sanskrit College, Pattambi State 12-01-2017 13-01-2017 Two Days Directorate of Collegiate Education, Kerala. India
An Exploration of Pagaian Cosmogenesis and Gaian Hypothesis through the Narratives of Paulo Coelho. Re-Thinking Environment: Literature, Ethics and Praxis (ICRTE) PG Dept. of English, Berhampur University, Odisha International 28-12-2016 30-12-2016 Three Days UGC and Routledge India
The Weary Black: Resurgence of the Subjugated in Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby. Harlem Renaissance: Its Impact on American Literature. Dept. of English Annamalai University, Chidambaram National 20-10-2016 21-10-2016 Two Days UGC
The Politics of Power and Mythopoesis in Kalamezhuthu SICON POWER PG Dept. of English, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri International 12-01-2016 14-01-2016 Three Days Singularities International India
Filming the Self: Biopic Autobiographies Digital Humanities: Current Trends and Challenges. PG Dept. of English and Research Centre, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam State 18-11-2015 19-11-2015 Two Days Higher Education Department, Govt. of Kerala. India
Identity Aberrations and the Scream of Silence in P.A.Uttaman’s Chavoli Voices from Borderlands: Emerging Literatures, Ignored Voices, Silenced Uproars and Evolving Theoret Dept. of English, St. Stephens College, Pathanapuram National 15-10-2015 16-10-2015 Two Days UGC India
O-Lan, You are the Land- The Praxis of Ecological Feminism in the Film The Good Earth. Representation of Women and Nature in Cinema Dept. of English and Malayalam, St. Joseph's College, Moolamattom, Idukki National 08-10-2015 09-10-2015 Two Days UGC India
Transnationalism or Trading Nationalism? Identity, Borders and Narrative Ironies in Jumpa Lahiri’s Postcoloniality, Globalization and Transnationality in Literature Amal College Of Advanced Studies, Nilambur National 29-10-2014 30-10-2014 UGC
From The Hunter To The Hunted: Shamanism as a Subaltern Narrative Subaltern Chronotopes: Issues and Strategies. Dept. of English, Newman College, Thodupuzha, Idukk National 20-10-2014 21-10-2014 UGC
Strategic Subjectification of Art in the Interior Landscape of Warli Culture. New Cultural Studies: A Critical Investigation Research and PG Dept. of English, St. Joseph’s College((Autonomous), Devagiri, Calicut National 13-10-2014 14-10-2014 UGC
The Heart of Illusion: Answers to an Aching America. Life and Literature in the Post 9/11 World. St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ekm National 23-09-2014 24-09-2014 UGC
Kalamezhuthu as a Science of Signs. Narratives of the Visual: Media, Image & Communication Power. Dept. of Visual Communication , Research Dept. of English and IQAC, St. Thomas College, Thrissur Regional 19-03-2014 20-03-2014 IQAC, St. Thomas's College, Thrissur
From Word to Act: A Study of Karnad’s Nagamandala and its Mythopoesis in Kalamezhuthu. Myths and Folklore in the Milieu of Indian Writing in English. Dept. of English, Sri Vyasa NSS College, Wadakanchery. National 03-09-2013 04-09-2013 UGC
East and West: The Twin Meet in Pearl S Buck’s The Good Earth and Malayatoor Ramakrishnan’s Ver Narratology of Harvesting: A Comparative Study St. Mary’s College , Thrissur, Kerala. National 01-08-2013 02-08-2013 UGC
I, The Mob: Reconfigurating the Identity of the Bhatir Desh in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide. Literature and the Environment Dept. of English, Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady. National 25-03-2013 27-03-2013 UGC
Artistic Narratives: Generic Transformations in The Twilight Saga. Creativity in the Era of Globalization Dept. of English and Foreign Languages, CUSAT, Kochi National 13-03-2013 14-03-2013 UGC
Transient Terrains: Ecology and Identity in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide. Transforming Selves and Modernity: Contemporary Indian English Literature Dept. of English, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, National 22-02-2013 23-02-2013 UGC
The Ekphrasis of Indigenous Identity in Kalamezhuthu. Ekphrastic Patterns in Art and Literature Dept. of English, Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad, Thrissu National 24-02-2012 25-02-2012 UGC
A Re-Search for a Subaltern Identity; A Reading of Select Dalit Literature in Malayalam. Transcending the Margins: Indian- Dalit Literatures as Resistant Narratives. Dept. of English, NSS College, Ottapalam on the topic National 25-08-2011 26-08-2011 UGC
Post- Modernism or Post- Colonialism for India? A Comparative Reading of the Mahabharatha and The G Revisitations: The Politics of Rewriting Old Texts. PG Dept. of English,St. Joseph’s College, IJK. KERALA National 23-03-2011 24-03-2011 UGC Naional Seminar
Title of the Program Title of paper/session Role Level Organized by Start Date Duration If Others, specify the duration Country
Workshop on Communication Skills in Translation Skill Development in English Communication through Narratives of Translated Texts: Expostulations on Subject Expert National Central Sanskrit University, Ministry of Education, Govt.of India 19-08-2024 One week or more India
INDUCTION PROGRAMME- 2024 Mastering Communication: Confident Conversations Keynote Address National Central Sanskrit University, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India 09-07-2024 One day India
Women's Cell Inauguration Building Stronger Communities through Women Empowerment Invited Talk National Central Sanskrit University, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India 26-03-2024 One day India
Revisiting the Indian Freedom Struggle: Exploring the Contributions of Forgotten Heoes Neo-Historicism and the Hidden Narratives Resource Person National ICSSR Sponsored Conference 15-03-2023 One day India
Svaadhyaaya: Discourse on the Art of Being. Placing the 'Self' in the Posthuman Resource Person International Department of English, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy 02-12-2022 Afternoon India
Gender Sensitization and Higher Education Academia and Gender Sensitization Resource Person National UGC Centre for Women Studies, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur 19-01-2021 One day India
Gender and Safety, UGC Centre for Women's Studies, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur. Gender Equality and Social Security Resource Person National Gender Champion Programme Committee, St. Thomas College, Thrissur 18-01-2021 One day India
LITFOLK 2020- FOLKLORE and MORE Folk Elements in Malayalam Cinema Resource Person National Dept. of Malayalam and Folklore Club, Al-Ameen College, Edathala, Aluva 02-07-2020 One day India
Inter- University Reading Contest VAYANOTSAV 2K19 Moderator State Library and Literary club , ST.Mary's College,Thrissur 11-12-2019
The Dilemmas of Contemporaneity in the 21st Century English Literature. Theory in Contemporary Literature Chairing the session National PG Department of English, Sri. C. Achutha Menon Govt. College, Thrissur, Kerala. 05-11-2019
Reflections on Gender Equality, Feminism & Language Studies- 2019 Negotiating the Terrains of Ethinicity & Plurality in Theyyam Invited Talk International IMRF Mysore Chapter and IIM Australia 14-06-2019 Two Days India
PRINT MODERNITIES Oral Literatures Chairing the session International Department of English and Department of Media Studies, ST. Thomas College(Autonomous),Thrissur 07-01-2019
Capacity Building of Elected Women Representatives in Kerala Communication skills for professional development in work place in work place Resource person Regional UGC Centre for women studies, vimala college(Autonomous) & KILA 06-12-2018
Awareness Programme on Gender Champion Gender Equality Invited talk Regional Gender champion programme of St.Thomas College(Autonomous),Thrissur 25-09-2018
Postcolonial Literature The Praxis of Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Literature Resource person National Department of English, Annai Velankanni College, kannyakumari, TN 09-02-2018
English Language and Literature ( British & Continental) UGC/NET classes Resource person Regional Department of English, St. Joseph's College, irinjalakuda 25-05-2017
Lectures on Mysticism in Literature A Feminist Perspective of Mysticism in the Works of Paulo Coelho Invited talk Regional Centre for English studies and Research 11-02-2017
Nation, Body and Performance Embodied Existences and Bonded Bodies Chairing the Session National Dept. of English, Sree Neelakanta Govt. Sanskrit College, Pattambi. 12-01-2017 Two Days India
Residential Training Programme of ASAP. Communicative English Resource Person State ASAP, Govt. of Kerala 13-04-2015 One Month or more India
Inauguration of English Association Literature, the Accumulated Wisdom of Ages Invited talk Regional 31-10-2014
Narratives of the Visual: Media, Image & Communication Power Kalamezhuthu as a Science of Signs Resource person Regional 08-01-2014
UGC National Seminar The Ekphrasis of Indegenous Identity in Kalamezhuthu Resource person National 25-02-2012
Academic Degree Subject College or University From To Date of Fullfillment Duration Marks / Grade Obtained Any Other Details Rank/ Medals
PhD in MYSTICISM St. TERESA'S COLLEGE, ERNAKULAM, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam 23-02-2017 5 YEARS A+
Name of Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Date
BEST TEACHER RESEARCHER AWARD 2022 Regional The Research Cell & IQAC, vIMALA cOLLEGE (Autonomous), Thrissur 23-03-2022
Organization of the client Name of Consultancy Project Sponsoring Agency Date of Consultancy Revenue Generated (amount in Rupees) Area of expertise Upload Consultancy work order
30-07-2021 0 PhD Thesis , University of Santo Tomas, Graduate School, Spain
16-12-2020 0 Theyyam, Kalamezhuthu & other folk art forms of Kerala
03-02-2020 1000 Translator
15-10-2016 0 Preparing and finalizing the Major Research Project
15-09-2015 0 Translation
01-01-1970 0 Art Critic
0 NET/JRF Coaching classes at various colleges
Name of Extension Activity Collaborating Agency Name of Collaborating Agency Target Group Date Duration If Others, specify the duration Venue Details Any other information Name of award or recognition (if any) Name of awarding body No of Students involved Upload Document Upload Photo
Visiting Faculty II Semester B.Sc Co- operation and Banking students 18-12-2015 College of Co-operation and Banking, Kerala Agricultural University, vellanikkara, Thrissur A detailed syllabus was created to include different aspects of English Communication
Invited talk Students of the dept of English, Ansar Women's College 15-07-2015 Ansar College, Perumbilaavu The talk was delivered as part of the English Association Inauguration
Invited talk at the communicative English Workshop School students between the ages of 12 and 18 06-08-2013 Sree Kerala varma college, Thrissur The programme was organized by The Kerala Higher Education Council, Thiruvananthapuram
Name of Guide Name of Scholar Title of the thesis for scholar Area Date of Commencement Research Centre Registration Order No: Status Date of Awarding PhD Type Scholarship If Anyother, specify Name of Co-Guide Whether co-guide recognized as research Guide Co-guides date of recognition as guide Upload (Registration Order) Upload (Certificate)
DR MALLIKA A NAIR Anupama Maria K Mapping the Posthuman Expanse: Spatial Perspectives on Select Speculative Narratives Spatial Studies 27-06-2022 Currently Pursuing
DR MALLIKA A NAIR Sisira M Reclaiming the Feminist Subjects: Nomadic Encounters in Select Contemporary Narratives Nomadic Feminism 31-03-2022 Currently Pursuing
DR MALLIKA A NAIR Jayasree Jayagopal Deterritorializing Identities: A Spatial Mapping of Subjects Crossing Boundaries in Select Narrative Cultural Studies, Territorial Displacement theories 01-10-2021 Currently Pursuing
Principal Investigator Type of Project If Others, specify the type of project Title of Project Funding Agency Fund Allotted Co-Investigator Date of commencement Duration Date of submission Status Any other information
DR MALLIKA A NAIR Major Participatory Theaters of Accessible Ecologies: Sounding Localities Across Water, Forests & Comm US Mission to India- 2019-2022 0 16-12-2019 3 years Ongoing


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