Alumnae Emblem

The triangle represents the triune God, the most Holy Trinity, who is the Fountain head of all wisdom and knowledge and who is Truth and Love, in whom we act and have our being. The monogram AM stands for “Ave Maria,” the salutation of the angel Gabriel at the dawn of the redemption to St Mary who is described in the Bible as “a woman that wore the sun for her mantle, with the moon under feet, and the crown of twelve stars about her head.” It is to her, our Lady of Immaculate Conception that the college is dedicated. It symbolizes her perpetual care and love for her daughters.
Within the triangle is the association motto, Love, Unite, Serve, which is also the alumnae message to the whole world, the motto which the alumnae practise in life. It aims at enlightening and ennobling the mind by inculcating the primary lessons of love and service. Its goal is to create poised women by developing the noblest faculties in them, so that they are able to face the storms and stresses of life. This emblem is held within a circle, within which is inscribed the name of the Association, showing the bond of love, unity and service between Alma Mater and the Alumnae and among the alumnae themselves. The whole emblem is borne by a lamp with a lighted flame – a feature of the college emblem- showing the flame of truth and love and of service that should inflame the hearts of the alumnae. The alumnae shall be able to spread the light of truth, love and of service where ever they go, creating a paradise there, making the world better and glorifying God in the service of their fellowmen.