Coordinator's Message
Dear Vimalites,
Greetings and blessings of the Lord Almighty to all of you - the ambassadors of this temple of knowledge, who are always at the forefront of efforts to establish peace and ensure prosperity in the lives of those around you. I admire your spirit and zeal to go forward in life and wish you success in all that you do. With every step we take, we learn that life is much more than the race it appears to be; it is a miraculous journey in which we experience and learn incredible things. Every page in the book of life shapes us into the person that we are meant to become. So don't rush through life; rather, focus on living each day to the fullest.
Today, let us lift up our hearts and remember the words of the psalmist: "I keep the Lord always before me, because He is my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Dr Sr Marriette A Therattil
Office Bearers Elected in the General Body Meeting held on 14th October 2023
Ramavarmapuram Road
Thrissur 09
Kerala, India
We envision the total transformation of the young women for their enrichment and of the society at large and the nation as a whole.