Eye to Sky-Sky watch programme
Academic Year 2019-20
In collaboration with Kerala Science and Technology Museum and Vimala Astronomy club, the department on Physics conducted Sky Watch session on 28-29 January 2020.

Academic Year 2018-19
In collaboration with Kerala Science and Technology Museum and Vimala Astronomy club, The department on Physics conducted three days star watch sessionsfor the school students and public during 13-15 February 2019. The three sessions are detailed below .
First session at Vijnan Saagar, Ramavarmapuram
The session at Vijnan Sagar was co-ordinated by Dr.Aneesh George and the authorites of Vijnan sagar. Around 40 school students attended the programme. Mr.Noble and Mr.Mubarak (Amaeture Astronomers) were the resource persons

Second session Vimala College, Thrissur
The second session at Vimala College started with the inauguration of new telescope purchased by the department .The telescope was inaugurated by Dr. Sr. Ritty J Nedumpara,the former Vice principal and HOD of Physics, Vimala College. Around 50 students and 20 people from outside were benefitted from the event.

Third session at Chavara Darsan Public School, Koonammavu
The third session of the extension was conducted at Chavara Darsan Public School, Koonammavu on 15/02/2019. Dr. K A Malini co-ordinated the programme. Dr. Radhakrishnan, Govt. Medical College was the resource person. Around 200 students participated in the two sessions

Academic Year 2017-18
Four Workshops were organized by the Department of Physics as a part of the KCSTEC funded project “Eye to Sky”
The first three day workshop on sky watch conducted by the Post Graduate and Research Department of Physics , Vimala College , sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KCSTE )was held on 8-,10 December 2017.Prof. K Pappootty, Rtd Professor Govt College Madappally inaugurated the workshop which was the first in a series of 5 workshops. , Dr Radhakrishnan, Dr N Shaji, and Mr Chandramohan were the other resource persons. Total of 185 participants attended the first workshop.

Understanding the significance of the rare occasion, of Blue blood super moon total lunar eclipse, the second workshop of Eye to Sky was organized as a “ Moon Watch Workshop” on 31st January night at the indoor stadium ground of Vimala College, Thrissur .This was the second workshop of our workshop series of KCSTE project programme“Eye to Sky” . The details of moon watch session along with seminar was informed in media to be open to the students and public alike .The resource person was Mr. Chandramohan, Retd Engineer and Amateur astronomer . He talked about the different types of eclipses and the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses.We were able to distinguish between blue moon, redmoon and supermoon aspects of this lunar eclipse from his informative discourse. He briefed about the different lunar expeditions by our space voyagers and the outcomes.He also shared some interesting facts about the origin of Rashi chakra and grihanila in astrology.We gathered at the Vimala Indoor Stadium Ground for witnessing this rare event . Around 250 people which included students and public from different sectors registered for the same

The third workshop was on February 6th 2017 mainly focussed on talks on orgin and evolution of universe,sunspots and hands on experience on observation of sunspots, telescope making and Stellarium demonstration. The sessions were handled by Dr.Tharanath (Asst. Prof, Aquinas College , Edakochi) ,Mr.Sivaraj K S (Asst. Prof, Aquinas College , Edakochi) ,Dr.NijoVargheese (Asst. Prof.,S H College ,Chalakudy) and Saneesh Sebastian (Asst. Prof,St. Michaels College,Cherthala)

The fourth workshop was conducted from February 14-16. The sessions were handled by Mr.Surendran Punnasserry who demonstrated the use of binoculars ,telescope and mobile apps for star watching .He introduced the concept of astronomical club to be started in Vimala College.

Academic Year 2016-17
The Department of Physics organized a two-day Sky Watch Programme named ‘Eye to Sky’ on 17-18 February 2017. The first day was open to the students of the college and the second day for alumnae and public. The programme was arranged with the support of KSCSTE and Kerala State Science & Technology Museum, Trivandrum. This was done using a SCT (Schmidt Casagrain Altazimuth Reflective Telescope) of 11” aperture. It is a computer programmed Automatic Tracking Telescope and was instructed by Mr. Sumesh S.He explained to the audience the way the telescope is set for sky watch, the various constellations and helped us identify our Malayalam birth stars in the sky. Also, we could observe the planets - Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, the binary star systems, the Southern Cross, the Pole starand many more wonders in the sky